Pinnacle Legacy Law

Employee Retention Tax Credit Planning

Powerful Protection

The Employee Retention Tax Credit (ERTC) is designed to encourage employers to retain their employees during the COVID-19 pandemic. Overall, ERTC planning can be helpful for businesses that are looking to take advantage of the credit and retain their employees during the pandemic. Working with a tax professional who can help you navigate the rules and regulations and develop a strategy that works for your business is important. Here’s what ERTC planning does and doesn’t do:

What ERTC Planning Does and Doesn’t Do:


Helps businesses determine eligibility: ERTC planning can help businesses determine whether they qualify for the credit based on their revenue and other criteria.


Maximizes the amount of credit: An ERTC planning strategy can help businesses maximize the amount of credit they can claim by taking advantage of the rules and limitations.


Reviews payroll records: ERTC planning may involve reviewing payroll records to ensure that employees meet the eligibility requirements and that the credit is properly calculated.


Helps with documentation: An ERTC planning strategy can help businesses gather the necessary documentation to support their claim for the credit.


Guarantee eligibility: ERTC planning cannot guarantee a business’s eligibility for the credit. Eligibility is based on several factors, including revenue and whether COVID-19 impacted the business.


Guarantee the amount of the credit: ERTC planning cannot guarantee the amount of credit a business will receive, as this is based on a complex calculation that considers various factors, including the number of employees and their wages.


Cover all tax issues: ERTC planning focuses on the Employee Retention Tax Credit and may not address other tax issues a business may face.

Here are some benefits of Employee Retention Tax Credit (ERTC) planning:


Maximize the credit amount: ERTC planning can help businesses maximize the amount of credit they can claim by identifying eligible employees and ensuring that the credit is properly calculated.


Reduce tax liability: By claiming the ERTC, businesses can reduce their tax liability, which can help them retain more of their profits and reinvest them in their business.


Increase cash flow: Claiming the ERTC can provide businesses with a cash infusion, which can help them stay afloat during difficult times.


Retain employees: The ERTC is designed to encourage businesses to retain their employees, which can help maintain morale and productivity while avoiding the costs and disruptions associated with employee turnover.


Stay compliant: ERTC planning can help businesses stay compliant with the rules and regulations surrounding credit, which can help avoid penalties and other issues.

Here are some important things to know about Employee Retention Tax Credit (ERTC) planning:


Eligibility: Not all businesses are eligible for the ERTC, and eligibility requirements have changed. Businesses need to work with a tax professional knowledgeable about the current rules and can help determine if they are eligible for the credit.


Calculation: The amount of the ERTC can be complex to calculate, and several different formulas can be used depending on the situation. Working with a tax professional can help businesses ensure that they are calculating the credit correctly.


Documentation: To claim the ERTC, businesses must maintain proper documentation, including records of eligible wages and supporting documentation for any business interruptions or slowdowns. Failure to maintain proper documentation can result in the loss of credit.


Interaction with other relief programs: The ERTC can interact with COVID-19 relief programs, such as the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). Businesses need to understand how these programs interact and how to maximize their benefits.


Time-sensitive: The rules and regulations surrounding the ERTC have changed several times throughout the pandemic. Businesses eligible for the credit should immediately claim it before it expires.

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Click the link below and schedule a call with a member of our team. We will explain our unique process of the employee retention tax credit and how planning can be helpful for your business. The call is FREE!