Pinnacle Legacy Law

Powerful Protection

We Help Our Clients Protect What Truly Matters.

A Plan That Works For You

A Relationship, not a Transaction

An effective plan includes preserving wealth through wise investments, developing strategies to help retain family resources, and protecting generations into the future. With a well thought-out plan in place you can rest easy knowing that generations to come will be able to enjoy both financial security and the promise of a lasting legacy.

What Do Our Clients Say?

“Sarah and her team are AMAZING and so awesome to work with. They made setting up our trust so easy.”

– Brittany B.

“Extremely cordial and accommodating, nice people; thorough and informative!”

– Linda C.

Setting The Standard

Three Reasons Our Work Is Exceptional

Our Unique Process

At Pinnacle Legacy Law, we have developed a disruptive process for connecting financial and non-financial wealth. We are redefining estate planning and setting the new standard for what it means to protect families, preserve wealth, and build legacies that last generations.

Understand Your Plan

We make sure our clients understand their plans, utilizing color diagrams, stories, metaphors, and sometimes animations to help explain complex topics in an easily understandable way. We go above and beyond to make sure everyone is on the same page and that everyone knows how their plan works.

Plans That Work

Many estate plans don’t work when tested because they are not regularly reviewed and updated. Laws change, families change, and assets change over time. That’s why we have a disciplined process in place to make sure your plan is continually updated and remains effective. We want to make sure your plan is working to protect your family and preserve your wealth.

How will YOU protect your family, preserve your wealth, and build your legacy?

Start Protecting Your Legacy

Click the link below and schedule a call with a member of our team. We will explain our unique process for working with people from every walk of life. The call is FREE!