Powerful Protection For

Special Needs Children

Pinnacle Legacy Law

We understand that planning for the future of a child with special needs can be a daunting task.

Our experienced team of attorneys is dedicated to helping families create comprehensive estate plans that ensure their child’s long-term financial and legal well-being.

Is This Kind of Protection Important to You and Your Child?


We will work closely with you to create a plan for your child’s future financial needs without jeopardizing their eligibility for government benefits such as Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Medicaid.


Keep your child out of Probate Court if you become incapacitated – Someone you choose needs to be able to step in immediately—not in days or weeks


Keep your child out of Probate Court when you die – it’s expensive and time-consuming, and it makes all of your private matters very public


Don’t leave a mess that sets the family up for arguments –this can create relationship fractures that can last a lifetime

Choose the guardian for your child–don’t leave that decision to a judge.

Protect your child from their guardian. Intentions aren’t always honorable.


Ensure they have the necessary resources– education and to maintain their livelihood.


Protect their inheritance.


Protect them from their lack of financial maturity—Inheritances last an average of 19 months without proper protection.


Reaffirm the values that are essential for them to live successful lives.

How Do We Do It?

We understand that planning for the future of a child with special needs is a lifelong process. That’s why we offer ongoing support and maintenance of our client’s estate plans to ensure they remain up-to-date and relevant as their child’s needs evolve. All the legal tools exist to provide the protection you want, and our experienced professionals know how to use them. These are the tools we use most frequently:

Start Protecting Your Legacy

Click the link below and schedule a call with a member of our team. We will explain our unique process for planning for the future with a special needs child. The call is FREE!