It’s Planning Season

For each season, there is planning that you must do on the farm. To be successful, this planning must be done thoughtfully and in advance. Your life is no different. To properly plan for the next season in your life and the lives of your family, a well-executed estate...

10 Reasons to Start Estate Planning Now

According to Legal Zoom, about 18% of U.S. adults over 55 have a will, durable power of attorney, and advance health care directive. Although it may not be ideal to think about the future of your possessions after your departure, creating an estate plan ensures you...

Estate Planning 101: Everything You Need to Know

You’ll need an estate plan to protect your assets and loved ones when you can no longer do it. Estate planning helps you designate individuals entitled to your assets in the event of your incapacitation or death. An attorney can guide you to ensure beneficiaries...

How to Find a Quality Probate Lawyer

A probate lawyer is a lawyer who receives special training in estate law. According to FindLaw, probate lawyers, often known as estate or trust lawyers, assist executors (or “administrators” if there is no will) in managing the probate process. They also help plan...

Top Reasons Why You Should Have a Will

Few people these days seriously consider the major benefits of estate planning, such as writing a will. While it might seem too early for you to write a will, it’s never too late to start. That’s because you never know when you might experience a serious health issue...

What You Lose By Not Planning

The motivation to put a legal plan in place increases when you fully understand what you lost when you do not plan. Your American Legacy Probate Court Without a plan, you put yourself and your property in the hands of a probate court judge. This is true whether you...