Pinnacle Legacy Law Blog

Three Principles for Financial Independence

The journey to financial independence begins where you are now, but with a roadmap that has successfully guided others to the destination of financial security.

Your American Legacy

Don’t Lose What You Have

You can risk your time. You can risk your interest. But never, under any circumstance, risk your principal. If you have a principal, you can recover. If you don’t, you have to start from scratch. Make certain you are not at risk of losing what you have already spent years of hard work to earn. Good news: It can prevent catastrophic loss by partnering with a PLL legal team to thoughtfully structure asset ownership and special kinds of trusts.

Save and Invest Systematically

One piece of advice PLL offers with confidence backed by scientific data is this: Hire a financial planner to be your coach and mentor. One study found that a professional advisor may add as much as three percentage points of value in net portfolio returns after taxes and fees. The greatest value a professional advisor can provide is behavioral coaching. This is particularly important when the markets are turbulent and you are tempted to abandon your asset allocation and move to cash. Our legal teams partner with financial advisors that can be referred based on our clients’ referrals.

Be Wary of Debt, and Avoid Consumer Debt Entirely

Warren Buffett spoke to a group of University of Nebraska students, advising them of the dangers of credit card debt, “Interest rates are very high on credit cards. Sometimes 18, 20 percent. If I borrowed money at 18 or 20 percent, I’d be broke.” While utilizing debt in your business or acquiring real estate may make sense, there should always be a plan to reduce and eventually eliminate that debt over time.

Top Reasons Why You Should Have a Will

Few people these days seriously consider the major benefits of estate planning, such as writing a will. While it might seem too early for you to write a will, it’s never too late to start.

How to Find a Quality Probate Lawyer

It’s crucial to find probate lawyers specializing in estate law because they have the experience and understanding of this area of law to make the process as smooth as possible for you and your family.

What You Lose By Not Planning

The motivation to put a legal plan in place increases when you fully understand what you lost when you do not plan.

The Ultimate Guide to Power of Attorney: Understanding Its Importance and Functionality

What is Power of Attorney? A power of attorney is a legal document that gives one person, known as the agent, the authority to act on behalf of another person, referred to as the principal. This authority can cover many actions, including managing finances, making...

10 Reasons to Start Estate Planning Now

Although it may not be ideal to think about the future of your possessions after your departure, creating an estate plan ensures you and your assets are protected during and after your life. For those who haven’t started planning their estate, here are ten pressing reasons to use estate planning services sooner rather than later.

Estate Planning 101: Everything You Need to Know

You’ll need an estate plan to protect your assets and loved ones when you can no longer do it. Estate planning helps you designate individuals entitled to your assets in the event of your incapacitation or death. An attorney can guide you to ensure beneficiaries and heirs receive assets with minimal gift taxes, estate taxes, and other tax impacts.

Understanding the Basics: What is a Living Trust and Why You Should Consider One

What is a Living Trust? Understanding the Basics A living trust is a legal entity created to hold your assets while alive. It provides a way to transfer your assets to beneficiaries upon your passing without the need to go through the probate process. Avoiding the...

The Role of a Lawyer in Drafting a Will: Ensuring Proper Execution and Legal Compliance

Why You Need a Lawyer When contemplating the question, "What should be in my will?" it's essential to understand the lawyers' role in this process. Their expertise ensures proper execution and legal compliance of your will, making their involvement vital in drafting....

Do You Have Planning Phobia?

Most people dread the thought of sitting in a room with a lawyer discussing how their assets should be managed and distributed if they become incapacitated or die. Most of the planning tools utilized by PLL legal teams leave the client in total control – including the power to invest their assets and, in most cases, the power to spend the assets as they choose while they are living. Your assets are just that. YOURS.

Estate Planning Mistakes Farmers and Ranchers Make and Avoiding Them

Farming or ranching is more than a means of livelihood – it is about preserving a legacy and unique way of life.  Unfortunately, many farmers and ranchers fail to make an estate plan.  The farm or ranch passed down for generations then ends up being sold and converted into non-agricultural use, cutting the legacy short and ending the family’s unique lifestyle choice.

Start protecting your legacy.

Click the link below and schedule a call with a member of our team.  We will explain our unique process for working with farmers, ranchers and their families. The call is FREE!